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how to ssh for beginner

Realizing that SSH is not common thing for beginner but it is so useful then i will try to explain how to ssh for you.

how to ssh is windows

Actually, many operating system support SSH. But, commonly user was using Windows so i will explain how to ssh in windows although in linux it was not so far different.

First thing, you must do to know that your server allow ssh. You can use telnet to check that thing. Simply, you just need to know whether port 22 is opened. You just need to open command prompt then type "telnet yourserver 22".
how to ssh
Test server for ssh
 Here is the example screen you will get if the server provide ssh. That is the first step how to ssh in Windows
how to ssh
SSH ok

how to ssh login using putty

After knowing that the server support ssh then you need to login to your server. That is second lesson how to ssh. Actually, there are many ssh clients that allow you to get easy access to your server but the most popular is Putty.

Putty is one tool you must have to learn how to ssh. You can download it here or check other version here. It is interface would be like this.
how to ssh
Putty Interface

To login, you just need to fill Host Name or IP Address Box using your server hostname or IP then click Open.
After that, you will need username and password to login.
how to ssh
USername and Password

If you are success to login. You will get interface like this. Um, actually it is interface if you run FreeBSD as your operating system.
how to ssh
Login success

how to ssh tunneling using putty

After knowing how to check and login to ssh, i will explain how to ssh tunneling. It was quite popular trick to hide your ip address and hide behind your server. Moreover, you could also get some benefit from it. But it will not explained here.
how to ssh
SSH Tunneling using putty

All you need to try how to ssh tunneling using putty is to reconfigure the default configuration of Putty. You just need to go to connection --> SSH --> Tunnels and fill the Souce Port using 777 (it is depended on you), choose Dynamic then Add. For finishing, click Open and you will need to proved username and password again. If after input password there is no happend then you is success. Just change your proxy configuration in your browser using SOCKS Proxy Host: and Port:777

Ending of how to ssh for beginner

That is my simple tutorial how to ssh for beginner and how to ssh tunneling. Hope it useful for you. See you next time.

Regards BangSatya


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