Hindi SMS – What is Hindi SMS ? Actually, while I am writing this article I am wondering what Hindi SMS is. I really don’t have any idea about what Hindi SMS is. What I know is this topic is so hot in google search engine for search so it made my curiousness growing. Wondering What Hindi SMS is First idea that I thought when read Hindi SMS was India. All of my mind full filled by India and everything about them. Is it right that Hindi SMS mean SMS that written in Hindi Languange? Actually, I don’t thing that it’s possible to send sms in Hindi Language. It’s like send SMS in Java language which much similar to image that text so although it is possible then it must be MMS, not SMS. Hindi Language in Hindi SMS Like what I said before, Hindi Language is like Java language Script. Look at these pictures. Hindi Language Script Source: http://projectsource.wikispaces.com Java Language Script Source: http://nindityo.wordpress.com See? It is so similar in t...
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