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Writing Up Exploration Results

So, it has been almost 6 months since my graduation from Institut Teknologi Bandung. Since then, i have joined in some project which i think that they are rather big. In the process of finishing the project, i learned some cool software / tools to solve the problem in the project. Lets say WSO2 Api Manager, Squid, Talend Enterprise Service Bus, etc. Every tool has specific function to solve specific problem althought you can force it to solve many others problem, but i think that is not convenient. Lets start to discuss about them.
WSO2 API Manager
WSO2 API Manager logo (source:

Let's say that you conditions: you must build a new part of system, you must administ existing API, you must customize response that user receive based on it's attributes, etc. How can you do that? Build your own software to grab those conditions? I don't think so. In the project, known triple constraints which are time, cost, and scope. Let's say you can build software for that puspose. But how long do you need from designing, coding, testing, and maintaining. Let's say you have a very long time. But, how much money do you have to pay your worker? And in the end, the best solution i could made is by using existing tool.

WSO2 API Manager is API management which is combining governance and anylsis in the same time. It is has low learning curve for beginner and it is so user friendly because of it's user management. The most important thing why i choose this tool is, it is able to managing existing API, publishing them in the way i want, and differ response which are received by user by sending request on same endpoint.
I am almost 100% sure that every one you know what Squid is. Yes, Squid is open source proxy server software which is well documented, widely used, and customizeable. So, i have condition to build proxy server infrastructure in existing system. So, what can i do else choosing Squid as my solution? SInce it has so many feature such as logging, caching, authentication with so many data source as MySQL, PAM, file, LDAP, AD, etc.
  • Talend Enterprise Service Bus (link:
This is the most interesting tool i've ever meet in past 6 monts. What do you expect from software which has title "enterprise service bus" rather than collection of components which are ready to use and easyly deployed. In the beginning, i was so confuse about talend how to configure it, how to use it, and how to deploy it. And, in the middle of trying i learn that it has GUI designer which is Talend Open Studio for ESB so you just need to chose the most suitable components, link them, define their schema, build the job, and deploy them in karaf. That's it.
GUI Designer

Using this tool, so far i can accomplished some task such as trimming response from endpoint before giving it to user, parse so excel file and store the data in DB, make ReST web service in a short time.

So, these are some tools that i learn in last 6 months. Still there are some other tools it won't be written here. Actually this post is only introduction before techinical write up about these tools. Keep watch my blog for my next write up.



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