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Showing posts from 2017

Lembaran Baru itu Bernama Dua Ribu Tujuh Belas

Tak terasa, tahun 2017 akan segera berakhir dalam hitungan minggu. Setelah saya cari-cari, tidak ada tulisan tentang target tahun ini. Cukup disayangkan memang karena saya jadi tidak bias mengevaluasi capaian target dan mengambil hikmah dari capaian atau kegagalan tersebut. Namun, seringkali dalam hidup, kita mencapai sesuatu yang tidak terlintas untuk ditargetkan bukan? Tahun ini sepertinya jadi tahun babakan baru dalam hidup saya karena sedikit banyak kondisi yang dialami pun berbeda. Walaupun tahun ini saya tidak membuat daftar target yang hendak dicapai, untungnya saya masih rajin mencatat hal-hal yang saya kerjakan setiap hari sejak Januari hingga Desember sehingga sangat banyak membantu saya dalam mengingat apa hal dicapai saat itu. Pada bagian ini, saya akan coba bercerita runut tentang hal-hal yang terjadi atau hal-hal menarik setiap bulan dalam tahun ini. Januar Sebelas januari bertemu, Menjalani kisah cinta ini, Naluri berkata engkau lah, Milikku, F...

Storing Squid Log in MySQL using log_db_daemon

Hi, It has been my third day for exploring how to store squid log in MySQL. There is some points by storing Squid Log in MySQL but the main point is for statistical purpose. So, administrator can see who is user with highest usage or what is the most favourite site that use access. Here is it, the tutorial for Storing Squid Log in MySQL using Log_db_daemon.

Tricky Installation RouterOS on Windows 10 using Hyper-V

Hi, After two days wondering and trying to find why i can't install RouterOS on Windows 10 using Hyper-V, i have found that the solution for undetected interface is very simple. It is jsut change from default Netowrk Adapter to Legacy Network Adapter. So, here is it, my new tutorial. Hope you enjoy and don't hesitate to ask.

How to Join MySQL & Postgres Tables using Talend ESB

Hi guys, After writing about how to make simple ReST using Talend ESB before I already made another video which is still related with my work, join table from different type of databases. Actually in some case it would be so helpful because in real case, the data might not be stored in one place but some places. So, here it is, How to Join MySQL & Postgres Tables using Talend ESB .   Feel free to ask and comment. I will appreciate if you could give some feedaback on how i deliver the content or my speaking. Thanks, Aryya

Create Simple ReST Endpoint Using Talend Open Studio for ESB

Hi Guys, As i promised before on my earlier post , i have already done make video tutorial about how to make simple ReST endpoint using Talend Open Studio for ESB. Pros of using Talend Open Studio is because there are so many components to use so that development time will be much reduced. You can imagine that for making ReST endpoint, you just need to spare 2 minutes. So, here it is, "Create Simple ReST Endpoint Using Talend Open Studio for ESB" Feel free to ask any question or request another video. Thanks, Aryya Dwisatya W

Writing Up Exploration Results

So, it has been almost 6 months since my graduation from Institut Teknologi Bandung. Since then, i have joined in some project which i think that they are rather big. In the process of finishing the project, i learned some cool software / tools to solve the problem in the project. Lets say WSO2 Api Manager, Squid, Talend Enterprise Service Bus, etc. Every tool has specific function to solve specific problem althought you can force it to solve many others problem, but i think that is not convenient. Lets start to discuss about them. WSO2 API Manage r (link: ) WSO2 API Manager logo (source: Let's say that you conditions: you must build a new part of system, you must administ existing API, you must customize response that user receive based on it's attributes, etc. How can you do that? Build your own software to grab those conditions? I don't think so. In the project, known triple constraints which are time, cost, and scope. Let's say you can bu...